Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New Camera!

So, I think we actually planned out our packing pretty well, however, we couldn't find our digital camera. We bought a really nice dSLR camera for the trip, but we don't want to lug that thing around everywhere (and my back seconds that!) so what were we to do?

We tried to borrow my parents camera, but somehow between their house and Caitlin's parent's house, the camera stopped working altogether. So, we left without a small camera (which would mean lugging that big thing around everywhere. . . ) we got on the plane.

Lo and behold, LAX airport to the rescue! When we got off the plane in LA for our layover, they had a Best Buy vending machine that had a pretty sweet camera in it for $100 that was better than the camera we would've borrowed, or our own if we could've found it! Catastrophe averted, honeymoon back on!


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